Discoveries of the last month...
- Flowers in salads...edible flowers...dandelions,violets,violas,chive flowers,sage,rosemary and thyme flowers are all so beautiful...I want to learn more.
3.Stress and colds are not good moments for blogging...I went thru a stage of making weird food...trying not to use salt,trying to make healthy food for baby and parents mixing with teething and little sleep ....not a good idea...
4.Jam making is just too easy....have made in the last month...kiwi jam,cherry jam,strawberry jam.Also tried tomato jam which is an usual taste sensation...but good for adding to pasta sauces for a quick sweet pick up.
5.There exists a really good soya cream for whipping.
6.Nettle soup is delicious....and dandelion flower torilla(spanish omlette).
7.That France is so near to where I live and I love the bread,pastries and cheese there.