Ah ,,how to give a name to food...that,s appetizing........well anyway it was.And all out of the freezer.I try and make big batches of tomatoe sauce without herbs or spices,so that when you defrost you have the bases for pasta,curry,soups..whatever.
Freezing is a mums saviour.(well very useful)I resently bought a few freezing books.The stuffed cabbage leaves are handy to make in larger quanities(and I always make too much stuffing) and the sausages I didn,t make are of tofu and spices(a natursoy organic product)and also freeze well.
Tomatoe sauce:
onions 1 or 2 finely diced
garlic 1 or two cloves sliced
fresh ripe tomatoes(difficult in january so you could use tinned)diced
carrot(half of)diced finely
red pepper diced
wee bit of sugar
salt and pepper
Fry onions in olive oil(a well flavoured extra virgin oil) until soft.next the garlic for a minute or two,then the red pepper,then the carrot.Let them sweat a bit..then throw in tomatoes and sugar.Keep the heat to a minimum and let them cook,reduce and mingle for a half an hour.salt and pepper to taste.
The choice is yours to blend the sauce or leave it chunky.
If not freezing the sauce I would add a fresh bay leaf,oregano and marjoram,or thyme and rosemary,good flavoured black olives or chilli flakes..all depends on personal tastes and what you want to serve it with.
Come back on course jean!sorry I ranted on.........
This sauce I added a bay leaf and oregano and chilli flakes(aji molido) and a good shower of black pepper and the sliced sausages.
Stuffed cabbage leaves:
Cut the outer leaves of a good curly cabbage and blance in boiling water for 2 minutes..remove and dry..on with the stuffing...
A mixture of onions and garlic fried with cooked boiled brown rice.thyme,walnuts.again the possibities are endless for stuffings but I won,t rant on.
Place the filling in the cabbage leaves.Fold the sides over the filling then roll one end to the other.To serve heat them up in the frying pan before to give them a nice golden colour...enjoy