Monday, 23 March 2009

cute cubes

okay...4 pictures of the same thing is quite a lot but I couldn,t choose.I think they are all so cute!
It,s baby food for my 9 month old daughter that I freeze when I make too much...then I can defrost the quantities I need after.I know fresh is best..but some days you cant cook just 3 spoonfuls of rice or 1 spoon of lentil stew.
On days when you don,t have time Mamas freezing baby food in ice cube trays is fantastic.You can freeze stews,soups,stock,fruit and veg purees,cooked rice,millet,quinoa,buckwheat....then mix and match what you need for your baby.
It doesn,t just have to be for baby either, if you need a wee bit of buckwheat or rice to stuff a vegetable just defrost what you need.
The three cubes above are brown rice,leek soup and lentil stew.Anouk particularly loves lentils(full of protein and iron) and I mix this stew with millet,polenta,mashed potatoes(which for some reason do not freeze well)..maybe with some fresh parsley which another superfood full of calcium and vitamin c.
These cubes are for babies over 9 months...for younger babies you can freeze fruit purees and pureed sweet potato,brocoli,pumkin or pureed rice or porridge.
They are also much better for your baby than any ready made jars which I wouldn,t trust with a bargepole...(not counting organic or wholefood jars...which I want to trust)....
They are salt,sugar,preservative and colouring free...oh I could go and on...and I intend to..but another day...

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