Monday, 9 March 2009

sweet and spicey fonio cake

Fonio is a type of millet from West Africa.It has all the 8 amino acids,is high in B vitamins ,calcium,iron,folic acid,zinc,magnesium and potassium...It is one of those superfoods that I,m going to harp on about quite a bit....
This cake was deliciously moist with relatively low sugar due to the carrot and apples and its vegan and its healthy...yeah!

preheat oven 180c ...

307g wholewheat flour
27g soya flour
60g maize flour(semolina)
1og dessicated coconut
87g raisins
20g baking powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar
100g sugar
1/8 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/8 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
1/16 teaspoon nutmeg
1/32 teaspoon of love

mix the dried ingredients above together then add..

270g cooked fonio or millet(cold)
80g grated carrot
130g grated apple
300ml sunflower oil
150ml soya milk
200ml water
1 dessertspoon plum(or other) jam
rind of 1 lemon

Mix all ingredients together,beat well and fill a rectangular baking tray(10x15 inches) or two 8 inch cake trays.Bake for 25 minutes or until you pinch it with a skewer and it comes out clean.

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